Clark, Manning could run race of century

by Margret Kopala

Letter to the editor published in The Ottawa Citizen, Sunday, February 28, 1999

Lawrence Martin writes disparagingly of a potential bid by Joe Clark for the leadership of a united Conservative alternative to the governing Liberals ("Joe Clark should lead the United Alternative", Feb.23), as if it might be an act of desperation or last-ditch effort to save himself and the Progressive Conservative party.

On the contrary, a contest between those two great men of the West, Joe Clark and Preston Manning, would be the leadership race of the century - one that would galvanize Conservatives into a might clash that would pull Canadian Conservatives into a vortex from which they might never ascend (but from which), on the other hand, they could soar as fresh thinking and higher syntheses overtake egos and ideological schisms. Neither Progressive Conservatives nor Reformers can afford to lose this opportunity. More important, neither can Canada.

Margret Kopala

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